Cayleen Creates

Bear / Plant

Animals with Verbs: Bear with Plant

I’ve taken a few classes on colour. I know this isn’t exactly a challenging piece, but I wanted to start practicing some things and this seemed like a perfect baby step. So, this is a combination of my learning about light and colour, and colouring techniques (like using different colours tones in the lighter and darker areas, instead of just adding white or black to add shadows).

Side note: I love how quickly I can mess up and learn when I’m working digitally. Seriously, this accelerates learning so nicely! Not quite the right brown? No problem, get a new layer and try something else. Want to try a different type of line? Great, go ahead. Minutes, instead of days, are wasted (or, ‘added’ to my understanding).

So, here is how it went:


Outline first:

Now for some colour.

Too dark:

Nice. Better contrast between bear and dirt. But I went for a more realistic colour of seeds, and I miss that pop:

Oh, I like this better! Happier seeds. Are the outlines too dull? What if I gave the line some fur texture?

Too Hairy.

And here we are. Simple lines. Bright seeds. And, after noticing that the bear was still looking a little dark from a distance, I lightened him up a bit more. I might work on figuring out how to add just a little furry texture in the future, but for now I’m calling it good enough!

Happy planting Bear!

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