Cayleen Creates

Yeti Spot Prompt


So, I really wanted to focus on getting my 2nd draft done. I told myself I was excused from this month’s SVSlearn prompt.

Besides, I wasn’t feeling that stellar after my house efforts, lol.

Then they announced that it was a spot illustration. No backgrounds. Nothing tricky. Just creating a Yeti baking.

Animals with Verbs!!!

This is my element.

Plus, I’d already been sketching some dynamic figures doing everyday things. I have plans. (insert maniacal laugh).

So this one came together really quickly. I submitted it. And I’m back to writing without stressing about a submission all month.

The prompt came with text, so I tried to work that in:

Original sketch. I promise, there’s a Yeti in there. And three groups of little forest friends which I narrowed down to one in the final pic:

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