I’ve been working on a prompt for SVSlearn.com’s Critique Arena: THE GARAGE WAS TRASHED, BUT RILEY MADE SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF.
It’s to be a full page spread. This will mean a background and an importance on colour values, which I’m looking forward to working on (and getting better at)!
I went through a few different options trying to figure out something that Riley would be proud of that would entail trashing the garage. This is the character I finally settled on. I grew up on the West Coast. Lots of rain. As a kid, rain boots are an essential part of life and happiness when it’s raining. Unfortunately, in Riley’s town, there is a rain boot shortage in the middle of a period of extreme rainfall. Inventor Riley to the rescue! She assembles together a rain boot making machine in the middle of the family garage (sorry garage!), and sends the boots raining all over town — Much to the surprise and delight of the citizens.
Here’s Riley!

Original Sketch: