Cayleen Creates

New Project: Boots!

I had to feed my hermit self for a bit. There was a lot of pondering about why I’m making the extra effort to post art instead of just working on art. But, I found my answer and I’m raring to share again! For me, my energizer is learning, and then sharing what I learn. Posting art for the sake of likes or attention does not fill my bucket. But sharing my discoveries and mistakes, for some reason, does.

Welcome back to my crazy mess 🙂

My latest project is working through the delicious Etherington Brother’s tutorials.

First Up: Basic Feet and Shoes.

Also, I wanted to challenge myself to some more background work. This means a lot more work than the simple character sketches that I love. So, to not stress out about figuring out what to post, since these full spreads will take more time, I’ll be posting the process work too. Personally, I love seeing people’s process work. I love the rough, sketchy lines. I’m pretty sure they’re the soul of the art itself, and everything else is just fancy covering. Can you handle a bit of soul?

Oh, and of course, I had to throw in some characters too. A hedgehog, a snail, and a ladybug that flew in a little later… All having a little chat in the barn one early morning.

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