This…was a journey.
Houses don’t come easily for me. So, of course SVSlearn’s January prompt was creating a house for my Yeti.
I came up with a sketch I liked. Then I started to draw it digitally and I liked the silhouette that came from simply copying and flipping and shrinking the base shape. Then I decided on a simple stylistic background so I only had to focus on the house. Then it went into Blender to check perspective. Then I hashed out details and colours. Then I started painting for reals, starting with the basic silhouette again and building it up from there.

And I came up with this:

And then I scrapped all that.
Well, not really, but I felt it was too chaotic and unclear, and had nothing that said a Yeti lived there. To fix that, I added a bunch more crazy details…

In the end: Hey! I made a house!
And I like those skiers too.