I love seeing pictures of the beautiful workshops and studio spaces people have carved out for themselves.
It makes me hopeful.
For me, right now though, with a bunch of little people who need me, it’s not a reality to be able to escape, nor do we have the space to carve out a spot of my own, nor do I trust the little ettins not to make away with my stuff.
So, I thought I’d pop up a tour of my, ahem, ‘studios’.
#1st: The Bathroom Studio.

Need a few minutes of quiet? Pop the littlest in a tub and enjoy a whole 15 minutes (if I’m lucky) of writing (ps, I love my little typer!!).
#2nd: The Bedroom Studio.

First off, no I don’t play the harp. My hubby does. I’m not that cool.
Second, I come here to escape when I really need some headspace. The internet is iffy, but it’s quiet.
See how well escaping works?
#3rd: Kitchen Table Studio.

I use this for my messier projects. And there is no escape, so I usually have a kid or few helping make some mess.
#4th: Living Room Studio.

Probably where you’ll find me doing the most work. I love digital for the lack of mess. That tablet can get popped back onto a computer tower that sits in the corner, and the keyboard can tuck into the drawer, but mostly they’re out and ready for the moments I can sit and make some art happen. Surprisingly nothing tragic has happened to it. We did recently move the scriptures from the shelf above the tablet, since little people were constantly at risk of causing a destructive avalanche when they went to gather them for family scripture study.
If the kids are working smoothly on school work, I find this corner lets me work on art and be available for questions and direction. And the kids can find me easily during the other times of the day too.
And that’s me!