So, the Yeti prompt from SVSlearn involves 5 different poses: Close up face, 3/4 front, 3/4 back, sitting, and walking/running.
This is my 3/4 back.
Originally, I had planned for my Yeti to have rocks on his shoulders and back so he’d be able to camouflage when he needed to hide. But they never came through very clearly so I ditched them. Which means that his back is pretty boring.
Oh well.
I also struggled to find a way to draw the 3/4 back and still have it fairly neutral. We were allowed to add some ‘spunk’ to our characters, which I took as meaning they didn’t have to be dead on zombie like poses. So I debated between having him ice skating and this one where he is peaking through the trees. In the end I felt that this one helped convey his size and personality better.

Original sketch. Maybe if I’d put his foot up a the back, I could have pushed that guesture jesture gesture (why is that word such a struggle for me?!) better?