I’m not sure how to quantify this work. Word count was great incentive for the first draft. Just get the ugly mess out and figure out the story. For the second draft, I think I’m going to take it slower and work on art at the same time. Maybe write in the precious quiet moments, and do art in the less quiet times. They seem to take different brain space. I can talk to kids and fill in a picture at the same time, but I get derailed fast if my kids need me while I’m writing. When I was writing the first draft, rough ideas were fine and I could chat a bit. Now I’m polishing and want to be able to sound somewhat coherent. So my new goal is to work on the 2nd draft as much as possible during the day. Maybe 2-3 hours if I get up at 5 and then later if I make good use of the kids’ screen time? And then work on art during the time where I need to be available for the kids to help with school questions and such.
For now until the end of the week, I’m calling it good if I work on my 2nd draft for a good chunk of time or two each day.
Which means that today I earned my NaNoWriMo MerMouse! I’m actually really proud that I sat down and worked on it. There may have been a real risk of never looking at it again, but I sat myself down, gave myself a pep talk, and started writing.
High five little MerMouse!