I was set to do a second pass on my sketches, but my husband suggested the first round was good enough to convey the end concept of the illustrations and it would be better to get feedback on them first, before I put more time into them.
So, instead of doing a second pass, I took A LOT of time figuring out how to print the silly pictures off into a booklet that I could turn through to see how the layouts and pictures all felt when they were in a book form. Again, I have some changes I’d make, but I’d like to get the author’s feedback first.
It was pretty cool seeing all the pictures together, even just the rough sketches, in a ‘real’ book format.
For the rest of the day I tried really, really hard NOT to look at my NaNoWriMo rough draft.
I decided that my next in-depth study should be into backgrounds and scenery. So I went through an SVS class I’d looked at before: Building Backgrounds. At the moment, I think I might just not have enough experience to plop things out. So my next course of action is to take a look through some picture books of well known illustrator/authors and just roughly copy their sequence of backgrounds. Maybe stick my own characters in with a different theme of background (ie, instead of a turtle going shopping, maybe I’d draw a hedgehog at the hardware store). I just need to build the file folder in my brain so I can pull these ideas out easier and feel more confident doing so.
And that is that. I think good work was done NOT working on my NaNoWriMo novel, lol, so I get the pig:

Picture Book Dummy: Compiled!