I made it through sorting all the little side notes I’d stuck in brackets throughout my story!
Here’s what I do: to avoid stopping brain flow, if I have an idea that needs to go somewhere else in the story (like, [make sure to mention this character likes donuts when they go to the caves!] or [make sure to describe the carnivorous trees in the 2nd scene] I just stick it in brackets and carry on.
Today I went through my rough and ugly first draft and put those notes in the places they belonged. I was a bit worried about this step, since it would be the first time reading through what I typed. It actually wasn’t that bad. Don’t get me wrong. It’s definitely rough and definitely ugly, but I think I’ve come through with a very good underlying shape to work with. Possibly we could call it a super detailed outline, even, but I like rough draft better.
Butterfly achieved!

Notes sorted!