That is a fun number.
Well, our writers retreat is over. We made it out of the apocalyptic blizzard.
Done with amazing meals, an adorable cottage, good friends, lots of uninterrupted writing time, and a toilet seat that I never had to wipe puddles off of.
Not once.
Now I’m back. And I couldn’t be happier. Puddles and all.
My goal is 2500 words a day. I think it would be pretty great if I got 3000 in, because that would mean I get my 80000 word novel done for sure. But I’m intrigued by how this is developing. It doesn’t seem like a scrabble for words this year, but rather trying to finish thoughts for a scene. 1-2 scenes a day seems to get my word count in without worrying about word count. And a scene seems much easier to work towards than ‘just a few more words.’
We’ll see how tomorrow goes, but I’m looking forward to some breaks for cleaning and walking and hugging kids.
Jellyfish achieved:

Word count: 3888