Second day of writers retreat!
We are totally snowed in, so we had another great day for writing.
I finished the start of my story.
I’m venturing into the middle.
The middle is where I lost it last year. My plot notes had said, ‘Fun and Games’. And when I got there, I had no fun and no games and no brain space to think about it and I gave up.
I hit that wall tonight. I’m 32000 words into my (aiming for) 80000 word novel. My notes were no longer making sense and everything was whirling together and I couldn’t remember where the plot was going. I toyed with the idea of ending it there.
Instead, I sat in a chair and made plot notes.
I’m sticking with it.
And honestly, I’m still having fun with it, from a project and learning point of view. It is just so dang cool to be writing a novel.
Now I have a mouse to post.

Thank you NaNoWriMouse!
Word Count: 7581