Next up: NaNoWriMouse Elephant!
Oh. Man. Today is going to be an awesome day.
I have a writer’s retreat planned with some of my favourite people. We are leaving kids at home. We are going to a beautiful little cabin. And we are writing.
I’m actually really curious as to whether I will get more or less writing done tonight and tomorrow than I have been just at home. I’m not sure how I’ll get my stretching and brain breaks in if there is nothing to clean and no kids to interrupt me! Yes, this is a real concern of mine.
But, I can’t pass it up.
Here we go:

Original Sketch. This was actually the one that started it all. It was going to be my Inktober submission for ‘rodent’— a rodent pretending not to be a rodent. And then I added some other costumes… And here we are.