A NaNoWriMouse Ladybug is my goal today.
It’s looking like another quiet day today, so it should be clear for writing.
It’s interesting. When I’ve written before, I’ve been grumpy about getting interrupted. Frustrated that I had to leave my writing to take care of kids or other adult related responsibilities.
This go around, I’m embracing the interruptions.
It seems like I work best in tiny chunks. 10 mins here, then go help someone with school. 20 mins there, then start up a meal. I think the trick is that I am making use of the tiny chunks of time in a productive way, instead of clicking on to social media.
Apparently I spend enough time on social media each day that I could have been writing a story instead.
Go figure.
Also, I’m learning that my body does not do well with sitting for a long time too. My husband is a programmer, I’m not sure how he stands it. I REALLY need to be moving a lot during the day or it seems like my body seizes up. Even now, my shoulders are feeling a little pinched from the writing I did yesterday. So, if interruptions don’t find me, I make room for walks and stretching and enthusiastic cleaning.
Hello Ladybug.

Let’s write!
Original sketch: