I finished off a scene and wrote another one. Maybe two. It really should be split into two, but one doesn’t quite stand on its own yet.
That’s the fun I’ll save for revision.
You know, I thought I was a very ‘Plotter’ kind of writer. I MUST know what is going to happen in my story or I lose the point of it all. However, I don’t plan to the last detail. And my favourite bits of writing lately have been the fun tidbits of my world that I didn’t even know existed, but have popped in for the ride. And because I have the foundation laid out, I can totally relax and have fun with these little tidbits. Description of where the dragons live? Not critical to the plot, but fun to explore today. A charismatic serving boy (I could not handle writing the stereotypical ‘serving wench’ ) ? Not part of my plot, but he’s been so fun to play with in my last scene.
With structure comes freedom to create!
And a mouse.

Word Count 4021. Ladybug achieved!