Cayleen Creates


Next on the line: The NaNoWriMouse Turtle

This should be a good day. Nothing too big going on.

I kind of wonder if I do better under pressure, though….

I guess we’ll see!

Yesterday I started with two different opening scene possibilities. Even if I don’t use them as opening scenes, they’re still important to the story, so I’ll work them in somewhere. Today I’m hoping to write the opening scene that I’ve always wanted the story to start with. Here’s my conundrum though. I’m pretty sure if I use this as my opening scene, I’m starting the story straight off with the first ‘door’. Then going back for a bit of back story.

Too confusing?

Ah, it just feels so right. But maybe I’m a confusing person.

I love the freedom of rough drafts! Write it all now, figure out how to help it make sense later 😉

Original Sketch:

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