Just about halfway through the scene.
This is a long scene.
I’m a little worried. In my planning, I thought that 1000 words per scene, three scenes per chapter, and 28 chapters, would leave me with a very respectable 84000 words. I now have a scene that is working up to being 6000 words or more!
It is one of the opening scenes that I kept making notes on my spreadsheet to, ‘Add this! Note this! Reference this! Mention this!’
An info dump but, of course, without the info dump. So the world info has to come in interesting ways. Something that breaks and needs to get fixed according to world dynamics. Something that grabs our characters’ attention whether life threatening or funny. Something that comes along to make the characters use magic, instead of the writer simply explaining the magic.
I’m actually really enjoying this part. It’s been the start of the story in my head for so long, it’s fun to see it start to take form!
NaNoWriMouse Level Turtle: Achieved!

Word Count: 2648