Ahhhh! It’s here! NaNoWriMo!!!
So. I have a story I’ve been planning and plotting at for a couple of years. I decided to do a different story last year for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I didn’t finish it. I got lost in the middle. I had essentially told myself, “Write fun stuff!” But I’m a plotter, not a pantser, and I crashed hard.
This year, it’s all planned. I’m ready.
Except, I’m facing that wall of doubt that is screaming, “I’m not a WRITER!”
I love to plan stories!
I hate to write.
It seems like there are some people who write just for the sake of writing. They enjoy it. It fills their soul. Fulfills them.
That’s not me.
I do like having written though, past tense. Just not the actual writing.
What to do?
Well, since I have a goal to post some art on social media each day, I thought I’d use it to help me write every day too.
So, I present, NaNoWriMouse:

This little duffer is going to be my writing buddy this month.
My friend has a bunch of different adorable costumes that I’ll be trying to ‘earn.’
I’m going to post a black and white pic in the morning, and then a coloured copy with my word count at night.
If I’m together enough, I might even be able to stick up a colouring page link for anyone else who’d like something to help occupy their kids for a moment while they write a few words.
Or, you know, just to colour for themselves.
Fun story: This mouse was going to be my Inktober ‘Rodent’ prompt picture. The idea was this little mouse who decided that since people didn’t like rodents, it was going to try to be something else.
But then it was just so dang cute I thought, Hey, if I just make a few more, I’ll have all my posts done for November so I can just focus on writing.
NaNoWriMouse to the rescue!
Original Sketch: