Inktober Prompt 31: Crawl.
Happy Halloween!
Crawling spiders dressed as their most terrifying things: Humans and Raid.
I probably should have thrown a shoe costume in there too .
Original sketch:
Well, I did it! 31 days of Inktober! That was a fantastic experience. Working in just black and white (for the most part), really helped me think about values and shading and focus. It was neat being part of a month long shared experience with other artists over social media. I made some new connections and found some great people.
Of note, on Oct 30 Affinity Photo included my Radio inktober picture in their Inktober spotlight! And SVSlearn ‘regram’d’ my Buddy picture today
It makes my wannabe Hermit soul tremble in fear, but my Love To Learn soul is pretty excited! I’m doing it! Putting myself out there little bit by little bit