Inktober day 16: Rocket.
Sorry. Apparently the Canadian in me is strong. This was my only idea for rocket.

I recently switched from Krita to Affinity (due to my Huion tablet not playing nicely with Krita). Which means I haven’t figured out all the tricks and shortcuts. Hence, when I couldn’t find a line tool, I was super grateful for the tips from, particularly the permission to go ahead and use a straight edge right on the tablet when you need to.

Awesome hack.
Original sketch.

Yeah, google images was a main support here. I dislike the idea of using someone else’s photo for ‘my’ art. But, it’s a package of rockets. There was a zillion photos of almost identical packages. I tried to change it up where I could (wrapper crinkles, colours of candies, angle, adding reflection and shadows). But I was going for a realistic picture of the rocket candies, so, by default, it still looks like an image off of google. Hmm.
Credit for pictures, as much as I can:
Rockets vs Smarties From

And this fellow from