Inktober is upon us!!!
Day 1 prompt: Fish
Yes, it is Oct 2nd.
Better late than never.
I ended up going through three different digital painting programs to figure this one out, ugh! I have been using Krita and absolutely love it. However, it does not play well with my Huion graphics tablet. After spending 45 mins (which is essentially all of my free time in a day) of trying to coax the two of them to talk to each other, I gave up. I downloaded a trial of adobe photoshop and a trial of the less expensive affinity photo. Then I entered into the frustrating learning curve of figuring out where all my tools were and what brushes I like (still haven’t found ‘the one’ yet).
But, I did move forward. Slowly and frustratingly.
Thankfully, my first pic was super simple.

Except, even though I really like them, I couldn’t leave it there. I had a whole solar system in mind…

Tweaking… I realize my line work is not awesome. Those circles are a little wobbly. So I tried the circle tool:

Which I visually like better, because my brain likes perfect lines. But for the sake of keeping some humanity in there, I’ll keep my imperfect lines.
Original sketch: