We finished our homeschooling art month and have started to focus on curriculum work. For me, this means that there are a lot less opportunities to find creative time. So, I recently made a goal to get up at 5am.
I’m actually a pretty happy morning person. I love the quiet. I love having uninterrupted thoughts. I love getting things accomplished before the day even starts.
Apparently my 3 year old thinks 5am is a great time to wake up too.
My quiet, creative time turned into a gripping conversation about where Santa Claus’s house is.
He’s gone back to sleep now, and will be later awoken to warm oats and bustling brothers.
It’s interesting. A few years ago, I might have lost it. The loss of that quiet time would have sent me into a funk for the rest of the day.
I think I’m getting wiser.
I have choices. Instead of getting grumpy, I can use the experience. Put it into art or capture it in writing.
Today I’ve done both 😉