I thought that this ‘art’ might need its own post.
So, we went to the creek to gather more rocks for all the rocks are we’ve been painting. They had so many great flat ones that I decided to get the kids to collect enough to make a map of Canada!
(If you are from the States, sorry, this project might be a little more challenging. Painting rocks for the 13 provinces and territories is definitely easier than rocks for all 50 states!…But I bet you can do it!)
We printed out a map, cut out the provinces and territories, traced them onto flat rocks, and painted in the lines (a few details may have been lost while being painted on a rock by a 5 year old…Apparently a ferry is no longer needed to get to Vancouver Island, for example).

Then I used a (dollar store finicky) gel pen (that a kid had already mashed up on their rocks), and wrote down the names.

And I thought this was cool enough, but the rocks really invited play, so we puzzled them together and played Kim’s game.

They did great!