Cayleen Creates

Perspective Pizza Trick

Man, these awesome tips just keep coming from

I finally started to feel ready to learn more about building backgrounds. I have these little critter characters coming along nicely, and soon I want to have them interacting a bit more. Maybe start roughing out one of my stories.

So I tuned into’s class, “Building Backgrounds“…

…and it starts with perspective.

I mean, how much can you really learn about perspective? I figured I had some learning under my belt now. I could draw a cube pretty confidently. What more do you need?

And then bam! There are already a ton of great tips and ideas in this class, and I’m only two sessions in.

Look, same dude. Same spot, just under the knee, on the horizon line. Add different sizes, and you have magic:

And this pizza principle really came in handy for my squirrel builders. Let me show you…

I have some squirrels I’m working on. They are supposed to be “build”ing (squirrel + ‘build’ verb). And I have 3 different houses, all at different points above and below the horizon line (my sketch didn’t really even attempt that feature).

So at first, I just went for it.

But something wasn’t right. I wanted to be looking at that top house from underneath, the middle one from straight on, and the lower one from above.

I just about gave up with the roundy houses and went with squares…

But frankly that didn’t help either.

Then I remembered the pizza principle, and gave it a shot.

(I put a dash of blue on the front of my pizzas to help me see it better…)

And that helped immensely. Still not perfect, but passable!

Pizza for the win!

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