Cayleen Creates

Learning Beside My Kids

For a long time I felt I had to wait until my kids were sleeping or otherwise occupied before I could work on my art. Which means that I haven’t done much in the last 13 years…

Sometimes, though, I get reminders that if I can let go of perfection, there are beautiful moments I get to share.

Take figure drawing, for example.

I started’s, ‘Figure Drawing Fundamentals‘ class yesterday. It was a rainy day, and the kids were stuck inside. Which makes doing classwork all the more interesting. But, there was a moment when a few were playing downstairs, so I gave it a go.

Soon, my 3 year old joined me.

He thought the pastels were great.

He thought the videos were great.

He thought drawing with mom was great.

Even his older brother came up got in on the action.

He suggested that lego might make a better model than underwear donning models. And joined me by drawing some figures that are looking for their clothing…

(I love his stick figures)

In the end, I didn’t have a perfect collection of learning…

…but that’s okay, because I think, somehow, this might be better.

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