The other night I was talking with my husband about how to know when I would be ready to illustrate my own stories.
I mean I could just doodle up some pictures and call it good.
But those aren’t the kind of pictures I want.
Will I ever feel like I’m ready to illustrate?
In the last few days with, I have discovered that I have A LOT to learn. I mean, I probably have a good 5 years of hard work until I can see myself creating the kind of work that I would be happy with.
Do I wait?
Do I give up?
My husband mentioned that someone had asked a famous writer a similar question:
Should this person bother to write, knowing that it wouldn’t be their best work?
The famous writer replied: You write this year’s story this year. Next year you’ll write a different story. It is okay to grow.
So I will draw today’s pictures. And illustrate my stories. And hopefully my journey will be a long one, with much growing and beauty and fun created along the way.
[We couldn’t find the actual quote, so I might just be making this up. Still, it sounds very wise!]