Cayleen Creates

Doug Dug!

Doug Dug is here!!!


From Amazon:
“Doug loves to dig. As he digs little holes. Medium holes. And BIG HOLES in his backyard. Doug Dug takes its readers on a fantastical journey as Doug finds dinosaurs, pirates, sharks, and . . . Grandma in anĀ excavator?
This fun adventure sparks the imagination and introduces concepts of size in a delightful way, making this a great resource for home and classroom learning.”

Haha, this is the very first story that I both wrote and illustrated. If you’ve been here for a bit, then you’ll remember when I shared finishing it the first time.

But I just wasn’t ready to hit publish.

I knew there were places I needed to improve as an illustrator. And I know there will always be things to get better at, but I really felt like that egg just needed a little more time.
So I waited. And I learned.

And now it’s ready!

I’m excited to share some cute videos I made on Instagram and YouTube. As well as share some behind the scenes work of what goes into self-publishing a picture book!

Come join me!
My YouTube
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