Cayleen Creates


Third Week.

I’m still going strong. I’m creeping up to 60k words. I’ve even started to enjoy writing.

But I’ve run into a little bit of trouble.

You see, near the start I took out a character that was just so awesome she was overshadowing my main character. I promised to bring her back in another book, so don’t worry. However, because she was so awesome, I had the ending of the story, the ‘save the day/save the world’ point hinging around her.

And now she’s gone.

I think I can salvage it. But today might be more of a brainstorming and exploring day. I have a solution using the flora of the world, but I’d rather find one using the technology.

We’ll see.

A NaNoWriMouse Snail is the prize of the day:

Original Sketch:

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